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Roger Hangs Out
Jeremy Gerlis

Tim Cordell

Alan Capel

The further silent adventures of the trouserless man, who now extends his half-dressed antics outside the office onto an unsuspecting world…Enter the extraordinarily ordinary world of a half-dressed man.In the world of ROGER, silence speaks volumes, whether in the workplace, at leisure, or on his travels.Following his debut collection of captionless cartoons in 2006, this follow-up book sees ROGER outside the womb-like comfort zone of the office and follows his bemused antics in the domestic environment. While dreams of being half-dressed would terrify most ordinary souls, ROGER goes out-and-about with remarkable calm dreamily abandoning his trousers and causing mayhem as he goes about his mundane life – at home, shopping, travelling and at play.In the office, ROGER seemed content forever to hold his peace – now he is at large, his reputation will continue to precede him…



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